Weybridge Rowing Club has a reputation as one of the friendliest clubs on the river Thames.
With a membership of just over 200, we cater for rowers of all ages from 12 to 84 and all levels from beginner to elite. Located on one of the most attractive and safe stretches of the river Thames, we have an excellent fleet of boats, qualified and experienced coaches, and a licensed bar. Whether you are experienced or a beginner, you can be assured of a friendly welcome at Weybridge Rowing Club.
Weybridge Rowing Club is for you, whether wanting to learn to row and improve overall fitness, wishing to compete at the higher levels or for those who used to and want to continue rowing and racing. We offer all this within the context of a rowing programme that balances fun and flexibility in training with a structure that can bring yet more fun in the form of varying levels of competition and skills development, matched with individual aspiration. You might say we are a competitive club with a friendly edge or a friendly club with a competitive edge - take your pick!
Whether a Senior (18/19 to 26 years old) or Masters (27+ years of age) rower keen to get in to competition or carry on competing, we have men's and women's squads with the training and coaching to suit your aspirations, from novice levels developing through to performance levels.