“Wellbeing is realised in small steps, but it is no small thing.”-- Zeno
As you will be well-aware, the situation regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) is changing by the day, if not by the hour. We are sending out this update to reassure you that we have and are continuing to take measures to ensure everyone can feel safe when at the Club.
Our number one priority is the health and wellbeing of our members, coaches, volunteers and visitors, so we respectfully ask that you follow the latest advice and information currently available from Public Health England (PHE); also the FCO for travel advice.
We currently have no confirmation of any member with COVID-19. If we do get a report of a case among our membership then this advice may change - you MUST tell us if you are ill.
So what are WEY doing?
Water training sessions (certainly once back on the water!) will continue. If this situation changes we will give you as much notice as possible. We check for PHE updates daily.
Group indoor sessions are suspended with immediate effect and until further notice. This includes circuits sessions at Heathside School. Government advice is to avoid unnecessary social contact of all kinds. Please find ways to train on your own or in small groups outside where there is plenty of space.
As good hand hygiene (hand washing AND drying) is paramount in keeping us all healthy, we are preparing to install suitable hand dryers as far as appropriate.
For your part - PLEASE:
Do NOT come to the Club if you: - are immunocompromised; - have any symptoms; - have been in contact with someone who has possible or confirmed COVID-19;
Practise ‘social distancing’, including avoiding crowded changing rooms or training outdoors as far as practicable - this can include using a few club ergos outside but returning them straight after to the men's changing room.
Signup for on-water sessions so coaches/coordinators can manage numbers effectively
Wipe down ergos before and after use - seats, handles, buttons - using either the biodegradable sanitising wipes or disinfectant spray provided.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and also before and after using any club equipment. As necessary, use an alcohol-based sanitiser containing at least 70% alcohol.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue and then dispose of the tissue into a bin and wash your hands: Catch It, Bin It, Kill It.
Do NOT allow bins to overflow and help take away full bin bags to dispose of at home - this is because we do not have council services to our island location.
Again, when we finally return to the river, extra care should be taken to wash down all boats properly - inside and out, bucket of soap and water - but also blade handles - prior and post-outing.
We would like to stress these measures are preventative and not in response to any individual cases. We would like you all to continue to enjoy your time at the Club as normally as possible, only now with a little extra vigilance to help and protect each other and the wider community. As well as keeping an eye out for any similar updates in ‘By The Wey’ or via social media, please do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any questions or concerns.
-- Weybridge Rowing Club Committee and Coaches